Trademark your logo, company name or both!

We will file your logo, company name or both with the USPTO, (United States Patent and Trademark Office) for a low flat fee. Call 800-585-2759 to get started or complete the information below and we will begin with a comprehensive clearance search to ensure there are no conflicts with your company mark. When the clearance search is done we will work with you to gather the required information and fill out the application. Before we submit your completed application we will send it to you to verify all the information is accurate. A rejected application, for any reason, will lose its application fee. Finally we will file your application electronically.
For our Amazon Clients we can file your Trademark based on the new Brand Registry requirements.
Trademark filing schedule: Once the application is filed it could take 6 to 9 months according to the USPTO's timeline published on their website. A serial number will be issued for you to be able to track your application's progress. We will always be available for the examining attorney's questions and yours if any.
Break Down of charges:
$50 to complete and e-file your application which provides an email confirmation of submission.
$150 for a comprehensive Federal clearance search for both text and logo Trademarks.
$200 for ongoing support including USPTO Examining Attorney Support, office actions and helping you sort through fraudulent emails or documents that may arise during your application process. Remember you had to list an email address on the application and it becomes public record.
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail us anytime at or call us at 800-585-2759.