Form a Not-For-Profit 501(c)3 Corporation

Form Not-For-Profit Corporation

Form a Not-For-Profit 501(c)3 Corporation has never been easier with our specialists by your side!  Call Big & Small Paralegal Services today at 855-451-7959!


By popular request from our clients this product page is dedicated to creating a nonprofit company.  Our Certified Paralegals have experience processing corporate formations in all 50 States for clients looking to obtain a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation.  There are a few steps required to set up your company to make it eligible for the exemption filing.

First, we need to form your corporation.  We will draft your articles and submit them to the State of your choosing.  Second, we will obtain an EIN number for your corporation.  We will fill out and submit your application to the IRS.  Third, we will draft your corporate Bylaws.  The IRS requires them to be complete with the appropriate language for a Not-For-Profit.  Finally, we will file your 1023EZ application with the IRS to receive your 501(c)3 exemption. 

The price listed below includes all the services mentioned including the drafting of the articles, submission of the EIN application, drafting of the bylaws and 1023EZ application submission, (processing and IRS filing fees already included).  The only additional charge will be for the State filing fee.  The fee will be invoiced as the amount will depend on the State you choose. 

If you have any questions please e-mail us anytime at or call us at 855-451-7959.

  • $ 850.00

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