Have you reached the point where you need to close or dissolve your corporation? Call 800-585-2759 for our Certified Paralegals to file your dissolution!
Whether you are looking to close your business due to bankruptcy, retirement, or whatever the reason is our Certified Paralegals specialize in processing and filing dissolutions in every state. We are here to assist you in any way we can. We charge $99 and this fee does not include the statutory filing fee to dissolve your company. Once we receive your order we will research and invoice you the cost of the state filing.
We offer the additional services listed below for an additional fee. They are not necessary for all dissolutions and are completely optional.
- Dissolution Written Consent / Resolution Document A dissolution written consent is not required to dissolve or close your company. We are providing this option if you want to have a written consent to put with your company documents as proof of approval of the dissolution.
- Winding Down Assistance We can assist you with the steps necessary to wind down your company. Whether it is drafting and mailing out notices, newspaper ads, or anything else that might be required in your state, or company documents, we are here to walk you through it or we can handle it for you from start to finish.
- Additional Notifications We can notify your third party vendors, your registered agent, and the IRS regarding the closing of your EIN. You may perform these tasks yourself, but most of our clients prefer us to handle it for them.
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail us anytime at info@mybsps.com or call us at 800-585-2759.
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