Businesses & the IRS
Nov 22 2015
What is an EIN?
An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to companies for tax filing and reporting purposes. It’s a social security number for your business so you don’t have to use your personal social security number on your business documents. An EIN is required if you want to open a bank account or line of credit in the company’s name, apply for business permits or hire employees.
Whether we are forming your new business or helping you with an established company we charge a flat $50 fee to process and submit the application.
Do I need to know the IRS forms needed for my new company?
When you use our services we will work with you to fill out and process the correct forms based on your company type. Let us take the hassle out of dealing with the IRS during your new company formation.
We look forward to working with you, earning your trust and becoming your go to paralegal resource. Please feel free to e-mail us anytime at, call us at 855-451-7959, or check us out at or